Mitt Romney's Profile
Mitt Romney
Presidential Candidate (R)
Tier 4 - Personhood Never
Excerpt from
As a "Pro-life" Republican Candidate: by his undeniable documented record, Mitt Romney:
- authorized tax-funded surgical elective abortion two years after he claimed a pro-life conversion
- advocated grisly research on embryos after he claimed a pro-life conversion
- nominated a pro-abortion Democrat judge after Romney claimed a pro-life conversion
- gave Planned Parenthood a permanent seat on a state board after he claimed a pro-life conversion
- bragged that he would continue to defend abortion "rights" after he claimed a pro-life conversion
- pro-choice in '94; pro-life in '01; choice '02; pro-life '04; choice '05; life in '06; then funded abortion in '06
Though he enjoys support from some of America's largest ministries, Mitt Romney's recent and aggressive pro-abortion record shocks the conscience...