Focus on the Strategy II: This documentary helped launch the modern personhood movement...
ARTL: Time Magazine & NY Times
Focus on the Strategy II: This documentary helped launch the modern personhood movement...
Brain Dead Means Not Dead: Don't Trust that Diagnosis! From our friends over at Real Science Radio...
Another Republican Justice, Neil Gorsuch, Rejects the Right to Life: Gorsuch apparently is looking to for a role as a defendant in future American Nuremberg trials. Like the majority of Republican justices who passed Roe v. Wade (5 of the 7-to-2 ruling) and like Republican Justice Blackmun who actually wrote Roe, Neil Gorsuch absurdly and wickedly claims that because a human court denied the right to life (of Blacks? of Jews? No...) of unborn children, that therefore governing authorities have an obligation to deny these children of their right to life.
Kathy Ireland: eloquently explains life at conception...
Alan Keyes on Personhood: at Colorado RTL for their 2012 Personhood Amendment:
"180" Movie: Ray Comfort's Stunningly Effective Method
Fire at an IVF Clinic: Just as we are taught to not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, neither should we be ashamed to acknowledge the very existence of this little boy...