Fox News: Colorado Leads Nat'l Personhood Fight
DENVER -- Alicia Acuna of Fox News reports on Amendment 62, the "personhood amendment" on the Colorado ballot this Fall. "Amendment 62 is a grassroots initiative that is attempting to change the law here in Colorado so that all human beings are protected under the law, equally, regardless of whether they are born or pre-born," explained Gualberto Garcia Jones, director of Personhood Colorado.
Fox News stubbornly continues to use the fallacious term "fertilized egg," despite this term being medically and scientifically unsound. As the Carnegie Institute for Science says, "The term 'egg' is best reserved for the breakfast table." (See "Egg" Unscientific for Personhood for documentation.) Colorado's Amendment 62 recognizes the personhood of the unborn "from the beginning of the biological development."
Fox News presents Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA saying, "No longer can you claim to be pro-life, unless you support personhood."
The report concludes rightly that, "Colorado put [the personhood movement] on the map," and that several other states are pursuing personhood initiatives over the next two years. (See Personhood USA's map and WND article Personhood movement explodes in 32 states.) 1
- 1Covenant news was linked originally, from "Read more at Covenant News..." to ; but the link now is dead. [/fn