Unborn Personhood on Colorado Ballot


American RTL Elated at Historic Development 

DENVER, May 29 -- "For the first time in forty years of 'legalized' child killing, pro-lifers have moved an entire state to consider the God-given right to life of the unborn," said Brian Rohrbough, president of American RTL. "We thank sponsor Kristi Burton of Colorado for Equal Rights, the 500 participating churches, and Colorado RTL for getting personhood on the November ballot."

So-Called Hard Cases: Rape


Don't miss Sherri Williams' story! After being raped and pushed to have an abortion, Sherri refused and gave birth to a beautiful girl later adopted and named Bethany. Christians make powerful arguments against killing a child conceived in rape, but there is no stronger human argument than Bethany herself. She IS the argument! Click the play arrow to listen, and you will be STUNNED!

Nat'l RTL Advocates Evil Research on Tiny Kids


Once again attorney James Bopp and National Right to Life work against the protection of the preborn. James Bopp thankfully failed when he and NRTL tried to stop an amendment to the RNC Platform that advocates protecting all children from the first moment of their lives. Bopp wickedly testified: "It may very well be in our future that there is therapeutic research that can be done on human embryos, and there is nothing unethical immoral, improper or ...

ARTL Launches ProlifeProfiles.com


See Sarah Palin's stunning profile on ProlifeProfiles.com. And stay tuned for a report on the fifty members of American RTL who've attended Palin book-signing events in various states including the TV and radio news reports of ARTL's effort to urge Sarah Palin to take her "personal" pro-life position and make it her public position. ARTL members have handed Sarah about a dozen business cards that read simply: