Focus on the Strategy II


Watch ARTL's groundbreaking Focus on the Strategy II. Learn how to do your part to restore the pro-life movement and to end America’s “legalized” child killing. Focus II has cameo appearances from ARTL friends including Notre Dame law professor Charles Rice, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough, Life Dynamic's Mark Crutcher, American Life League president Judie Brown, and founding board member of Nat'l RTL and Americans United for Life John Archibold.

Focus on the Strategy III


After learning the lessons from ARTL's groundbreaking Focus on the Strategy II which exposes the 40 years in the wilderness of failed pro-family tactics, now we're better equipped to strategize effectively as we do in ARTL's Focus III to implement the three-pronged strategy that can lead to the end of child-killing in our lifetimes!

NBC's Law & Order Relevant to MS Personhood Vote


With Mississippi's Personhood Amendment 26 vote coming on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, we remember this...

NBC's first-ever pro-life Law & Order episode, titled Dignity, is excerpted below. We urge against watching this immoral and soft-porn series, but this episode is pastor-approved and you can view it online!). L&O excerpts:

From Detective Kevin Bernard, played by Anthony Anderson: "You got it backwards, man. The horrible thing is the rape, not the bringing of a life into the world."

Personhood Finally Gaining GOP Support in Colo.


GRAND JUNCTION -- The Grand Junction newspaper The Daily Sentinel reports on the rise of Republican support for the personhood amendment on the ballot, despite previous widespread GOP opposition to this initiative in the 2008 election. Gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes and senate candidate Ken Buck have come out strongly in support of the amendment that would legally recognize the personhood of the unborn.

Amendment 62 signs featured in Denver Post


Lynn Bartels of The Denver Post showcases several prominent campaign signs geared toward this year's election in Colorado. Among them is the beautifully-designed yard sign for Amendment 62.

[Leslie Hanks of Colorado Right to Life] is co-sponsor of Amendent 62, a ballot measure that would would give unborn fetuses human rights in the state constitution, in essence banning abortion. “My co-sponsor, Gualberto Garcia Jones, saw it as providential that our amendment number lent it self so beautifully to helping people understand that we should love the babies!” she said.